


Fuel prices fluctuate, especially in recent weeks amid economic challenges and geopolitical turmoil. Over the course of the last 18 months, the price of fuel in North America has basically doubled. For waste haulers, especially those with large fleets in the U.S., these increased costs add up. Many private-sector and city fleet operators have systems in place to overcome these heightened costs.

Hence, surcharges. Did you know that garbage trucks use almost half the fuel of all city vehicles? Many trucking companies have implemented fuel surcharges into their customer billing. Essentially, the surcharge keeps fuel prices standard for the trucking industry while causing the public to bear the costs.

Fuel price letter - Less Food Waste

City of Des Moines Public Works Director Jonathan Gano summarizes this impact:

“Ultimately, everything is paid for by the customer. We’re able to slow the passing of that cost onto the customer presently, but if sustained for a long time, we’ll need to look at rate hikes in the future just to cover fuel prices.

We’re not quite there yet, but the cost of everything going up means the cost of garbage collection will go up too.”

This makes it even harder for small businesses to forecast and budget for waste removal costs. They will continue to see higher monthly rates, year over year. Of course, we can’t ignore the environmental impact of garbage trucks as well. Both garbage trucks, and the landfills that food was is dumped into, contribute greatly to greenhouse gas emissions – namely CO2 and methane, respectively

At ORCA, we have created a waste disposal system that can save companies money when disposing of food waste while minimizing their environmental impact.

ORCA rids companies of the need to pay for food waste to be hauled away by waste management companies, thus offsetting waste disposal costs and getting garbage trucks off the roads with a hyperlocal, innovative solution.

ORCA allows you to lock in your rates for up to 5 years – something traditional haulers can’t do for you. Additionally, all ORCA’s come equipped with onboard scales that track and report weight-related data and environmental equivalencies to an online portal. This invaluable information can be used to your advantage in purchasing and dine out decisions and help you work towards diversion goals.

This creates a multi-faceted solution that can help both you and the global waste problem.

Traditional waste disposal has had its time; we think we have created an opportunity to do it better.

ORCA rids companies of the need to pay
Average Retail Price

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